Department of Bengali


Year of initiation: 1957-58
Year of Affiliation: 2002-03
Year of Honors Affiliation: 2002


Vision & Mission

Vision statement:

We aspire to carry forward the Vision of providing quality education, while expanding our academic horizons towards a comprehensive learning experience.
From 2002 onwards, as the honours course was initiated, the department has strived to provide a new understanding of a multidisciplinary approach which was deeply involved with the significance of what literature truly meant to be and the different aspects of reading the craft of literature.
As faculty, we aspired to deliver the evolution of a new genre in literature wading through the changes of time and socio-political history which meant embarking upon new theories and concepts of language and literary terms.
To enrich, educate and empower was the primary objective which enabled students and teachers to communicate through cross-cutting ventures of interactive analysis where students also had their say; where the students expressed their frank ideas of certain characters against a changing backdrop of political and economic strata.

Mission Statement:

Empowering girls with an all-round academic ambience which would help them in realizing their own skills and capabilities.
Continuous evaluation through mock tests, tutorials and class assignments which motivates students towards a sound knowledge of the subject and the various sources of applications.
Research innovations of thought in multicultural dimensions within a hybrid plethora among the students.
A deep cognitive understanding of the methodology through the mosaic of a literary text surpassing the various artifacts of concepts.





  • For Study Masters in Bengali and Comparative Literature, Film Studies, Journalism and Linguistics.
  • Teaching in Schools.
  • Field of Media.
  • Pursue Research oriented project.
  • Pursue works in Printing and Publishing field.


Study Plan



Dr. Ballari Ray Choudhury
Dr. Ballari Ray Choudhury

Designation : Assistant Professor

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Dr. Rakhi Mitra
Dr. Rakhi Mitra

Designation : Associate Professor

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Smt. Shampa Sarkar
Smt. Shampa Sarkar

Designation : Assistant Professor

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Mr. Ranamoy Sarkar
Mr. Ranamoy Sarkar

Designation : SACT - I

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Mr. Sharadwat Manna
Mr. Sharadwat Manna

Designation : SACT - I

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Some of our students are in teaching profession some of them are in other various professions. One of our students stood 3rd in the University Examination. One of our student is now established her identity in Film and Media Industry.








Department of Bengali
Gokhale Memorial Girls' College
1/1, Harish Mukherjee Road
Kolkata - 700020


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